So, I'm going to Burning Man this year. It will be my 3rd time. I went in 2006 for my 21st birthday, and the following year. So I've been away from "Home" for 2 years, and this time I'll have just turned 25. Crazy! That blows my mind. We're still not camping with a large camp, just our little posse of Ali, me, Jose, plus his bro Dom and my friend Steph. Pretty small camp. However, we are bringing Ali's geodesic dome, which will be rad. Also, this year I decided to go the extra mile in terms of bike decorating and costume, and also try to be more sustainable. No more throwaway glowsticks!
My plan is to modify a cruiser bike with EL (electroluminescent) wire to look like a Tron bike. I also plan on creating a Tron costume with EL wire. So today I bought the as-is bike and some basic bike tools. I already ordered the wire online and also went to Fred Meyer and Next Adventure to pick up some other random things I thought I might need.

That's a giant pack of AA's, black duct tape, Eco glue, EL wire pre-cut with instructions and battery packs, tiny tie things, clear/white futuristic lights, white enamel paint, gloves, and not pictured: glow in the dark spray paint. Also, an Aerobie disc.
This is what I'm trying to imitate: